
We typically bill 10 minute units for our work at $22.50/unit. The initial assessment and digital health record (PHR) setup is $250.00. Some examples of how this translates into real cost to clients are listed below. If you have further questions on cost, please contact us by phone or email. 

Price Guide

ServiceService ExampleTypical Cost
Appointment EscortOverC health advocate schedules, prepares, and then attends an appointment with family physician with you and updates your health record accordingly.$200.00
Appointment EscortOverC health advocate schedules, prepares, and then attends an appointment with a neurologist with you and updates your health record accordingly.$275.00
ConnectionOverC health advocate has phone call with you or your physician to discuss a medical issue and subsequent management. The call is then documented in your PHR$75.00
ConnectionOverC health advocate visits you in your home to check in with you on any ongoing or new health care issues you may be dealing with. Discussion and issues documented in PHR along with plan.$135.00
NavigationA simple question$45.00
NavigationA research topic$125.00
Health Information ManagementClient’s PHR maintained up to date on a monthly basis – meds, consultation reports, diagnostics etc$75.00

The examples listed in this table are for the sole purpose of assisting viewers in understanding the approximate costs associated with OverC services which might be purchased by the average user.  The actual cost will vary based on individual circumstances.