Gathered, organized & digitized

A Digital Personal Health Record (PHR)
OverC creates your own online Personal Health Record (PHR), placing all of your health history at your fingertips. It lets you see any piece of information anywhere and any time – at home, at an appointment, or with your family. You can access it from your computer, phone and tablet.
During an appointment you can view it electronically, or you can print out what you need before your appointment to take with you.
Your OverC PHR allows you to see your entire health history online.
Maintaining Your PHR
OverC will do all the work to create your PHR. We can maintain it according to your schedule. We simply continue to gather, organize and digitize your information as your appointments and test result occur. We regularly update your record so your PHR is always accurate.
Your information will be securely stored. Your PHR is yours to keep.