Lorna shared with OverC her recent experience at a medical specialist appointment. As she was sitting on the bed with several medical professionals looking down at her, she felt like a fish frantically swimming around in a fish bowl. She had an overwhelming sense of panic! Unsure of her treatment options for her injury, scared of the idea of surgery, and sensing urgency in making a decision, she found it difficult to express her concerns to the specialists and his team. What if she didn’t make the right decision? After listening to her story, OverC developed an Appointment Management plan. Before her next appointment, OverC met with her, discussed and gathered her medical information and together made a list of the questions she wanted answered. Still feeling unsure of the next appointment, she asked if Kathy from OverC could attend the appointment with her. Kathy, her Appointment Escort, was able to help her ask the questions that she had prepared, and record the information given to her into her personal health record. After the appointment, Lorna and Kathy reviewed the appointment together so that she clearly understood her options and the decisions she needed to make with her future medical care.